アドバンス/ナノラボv.2.5では、アドバンス/NeuralMD Ver.1.6に搭載されている「自己学習ハイブリッドモンテカルロ法」を制御する機能が追加されました。
InterMolecular Inc. の科学者チームは、Mat3raを使用して、有望な先端合金の平衡形状と形成エネルギーを研究しました。
Therefore, we verified whether it can be reproduced using Exabyte.io and Quantum ESPRESSO by calculation with pseudopotential.
This section describes model creation and calculation results for calculating the surface adsorption of C 2 H 4 molecules on the surface of Si slabs .
A team of researchers led by professor Dario Rocca at the Universite de Lorraine computed adsorption entalpies in zeolites with high accuracy.
Developed a method to create interatomic potential using neural network (NN) Perform ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations to generate NN training data
We benchmarked the first-principles calculation software Quantum ESPRESSO on Azure HPC instances HB120rs and HC44rs .
The neural network molecular dynamics method (NNMD) enables faster simulations than first-principles calculations and more accurate simulations than existing molecular
In this case, we will introduce an example of analyzing the diffusion of Li ions in the solid electrolyte used in all-solid-state batteries using the neural network MD.
In recent years, multi-materialization has been attracting attention for the purpose of reducing...
The classical molecular dynamics method has been mainly used so far as a method for theoretically evaluating the thermal conductivity of carbon nanotubes.
The neural network molecular dynamics method (NNMD) enables faster simulations than first-principles calculations and more ...
Since III-V semiconductors are used as materials for light emitting devices such as diodes, it is useful to predict their optical characteristics from first-principles calculations.
In the field of semiconductors, research on metal / semiconductor interfaces is also important, so reports using first-principles calculations have been made.
Evaluation of interface strength is important in composite material design such as carbon fiber reinforced plastic.
Correlated quantum-chemical methods for condensed matter systems, such as the random phase approximation (RPA) ...
Materials science is becoming increasingly more reliant on digital data to facilitate progress in the field.
Evaluation of interface strength is important in composite material design such as carbon fiber reinforced plastic. Molecular simulation ...
Cloud computing recently developed into a viable alternative to on-premises systems for executing ...
We present example applications of an approach to first-principles calculations of vibrational properties of materials implemented within the Exabyte.io platform.
Despite multiple successful applications of high-throughput computational materials design from first principles, there is a number of factors that inhibit its future adoption.
We present a comparative analysis of the maximum performance achieved by the Linpack benchmark on compute intensive hardware publicly available from multiple cloud providers.
GE ウォーターIBMインテルアリTOCHUテクノソリューションズジョンソン・マッセイマイクロンサムスン SDIGE ウォーターIBMインテルアリTOCHUテクノソリューションズジョンソン・マッセイマイクロンサムスン SDI
アストム研究開発環境流体ゲイル (インド) リミテッドGPV アドバンストリサーチ分子間マテリアルズコリア株式会社ナノレイヤーズ株式会社クアンタムワイズ株式会社QuesTek イノベーション
エクス・マルセイユ大学アクワイボム州立大学バートンカレッジバイエロ大学カノベンソン・アイダホサ大学ビッツピラニハイデラバード キャンパスカディ・アイヤド大学グジャラート中央大学タミルナド中央大学中国科学アカデミーチョンナム国立大学中華大学香港城市大学アコニセットコンセホ・スペリオル・デ・インベスタシオネス・サイエンティフィカスコーネル大学ダムハン大学デルタ州立大学ドンステート工科大学デューク大学EPFLFSモナスティール漢陽大学漢陽大学イグビネディオン大学、岡田IITボンベイIIT インドールイデア・マテリアルズインペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドンインド科学研究所INESC-MN ポルトガルヨッフェ研究所、サンクトペテルブルクイズミル工科大学カースト