October 17, 2024

Release 2024.10.17

Release 2024.10.17 contains updates and UX improvements. We highlight (1) the addition of the PAW (projector augmented wave) ONCV pseudopotential set from Pseudo Dojo with significantly smaller default cutoff values - 10 Ry instead of 40 Ry; (2) an ability to create twisted bilayers in 2D materials, such as twisted bilayer graphene with commensurate lattices at specific angles; (3) a new introductory video demonstrating how to access the platform while getting started - web interface, command-line terminal, and/or JupyterLite.


Release 2024.10.17 contains updates and UX improvements. We highlight (1) the addition of the PAW (projector augmented wave) ONCV pseudopotential set from Pseudo Dojo with significantly smaller default cutoff values - 10 Ry instead of 40 Ry; (2) an ability to create twisted bilayers in 2D materials, such as twisted bilayer graphene with commensurate lattices at specific angles; (3) a new introductory video demonstrating how to access the platform while getting started - web interface, command-line terminal, and/or JupyterLite.


  • Add support for PAW pseudopotentials
  • New onboarding video
  • Ability to create twisted bilayers


  • [Made] Set Slab configuration vacuum in angstroms
  • [Made] Multiple Cleanups


  • None

4 Developers

  • [Made] Add functions for creating twisted nanoribbons

Highlight 1: Support for PAW pseudopotentials

We highlight the addition of the PAW (projector augmented wave) ONCV pseudopotential set from Pseudo Dojo with significantly smaller default cutoff values - 10 Ry instead of 40 Ry. Below are representative visuals.

Here's the comparison for Silicon Bandstructure:

and the corresponding setup for Quantum ESPRESSO:

Highlight 2: Twisted Bilayers in 2D materials

An example Jupyter notebook demonstrating the ability to create twisted bilayers both for nanoribbons and commensurate lattices. Below is a quick demonstration of what's possible.

Highlight 3: New Introductory Video.

New introductory video demonstrating how to access the platform while getting started - web interface, command-line terminal, and/or JupyterLite.

Try the new functionality online at https://platform.mat3ra.com/