December 14, 2023

Release 2023.12.14

Release 2023.12.14 contains multiple new features as well as some UX improvements. We highlight (1) the ability to run Python scripts with ASE, Pymatgen, and other packages inside the materials designer interface with some draft examples provided for importing packages and constructing an interface between two materials; (2) Implement a way to extract the Hubbard parameters (Hubbard U) from Quantum ESPRESSO hp.x calculations; (3) updates to the handling of the pseudopotential - the ability to parse and use the atomic orbitals data for pseudopotential files and the addition of PBESol functional for the GBRV set.


Release 2023.12.14 contains multiple new features as well as some UX improvements. We highlight (1) the ability to run Python scripts with ASE, Pymatgen, and other packages inside the materials designer interface with some draft examples provided for importing packages and constructing an interface between two materials; (2) Implement a way to extract the Hubbard parameters (Hubbard U) from Quantum ESPRESSO hp.x calculations; (3) updates to the handling of the pseudopotential - the ability to parse and use the atomic orbitals data for pseudopotential files and the addition of PBESol functional for the GBRV set.



  • Run Python Scripts with ASE, Pymatgen, etc. in Web Browser
  • Implement property extractor/parser for Hubbard parameter (hp.x) calculations with Quantum ESPRESSO
  • Support for GBRV PBESol pseudopotentials in QE
  • Parse atomic orbitals from pseudopotential files


  • Add Import from a Standard set of materials to Materials Designer
  • New MUI-based styling for Materials Designer
  • Provide "save" and "save & exit" as options in Job/Workflow Designers.
  • Updated platform color-theme to 1ndig0 (indigo/violet)
  • Add ability to copy-paste subworkflows between workflows
  • Add ability to set input filename for a workflow unit template


  • Move favicons to use svg and adjust based on system theme
  • Show loader while waiting for initial page render
  • Add alert to user Dropdowns to indicate when the quota is nearing, or exceeding limit
  • Improve load speed of the "/shared-externally" space
  • Update QE parsers in Express to work with QE versions >= 6.4
  • Update default version of Quantum Espresso to 6.3


  • Fix convergence ionic graph
  • Cluster.FQDN and DisplayName are improperly handled
  • Fix: advanced compute options shown for Application engines

For Developers

  • Migrate Materials-Designer tests to use Cypress
  • Convert Made.js to TypeScript


  • Refactor rupy \+ alfred into Job Execution Service \(JoSrv\)
  • Update Confluence documentation for containerization efforts thus far, diagram current setup
  • Remove UI-side Dynamically Constructed Subscription configs
  • Build compute container that is capable of executing a whole rupy Job
  • Clean up Materials Designer Styling, Codebase x 2
  • Make tests pass with updated Job service
  • Fully Migrate Materials Designer to MUI

Highlight: Use Python in the web browser to create new structures

We highlight the ability to use Python scripts with ASE, Pymatgen, and similar materials manipulation packages running natively inside your web browser. In the example below we create an interface by placing Graphene on top of a surface of Ni (111).

Using Python natively inside the web browser to create a Graphene/Nickel(111) interface.

Highlight: Hubbard Parameter calculations with Quantum ESPRESSO hp.x.

Here's the new workflow flavor allowing one to use hp.x to calculate Hubbard U (and soon Hubbard V and J) as shown below.

Highlight: Atomic Orbital information in Pseudopotentials

We introduced the updates to the handling of the pseudopotential - the ability to parse and use the atomic orbitals data for pseudopotential files and the addition of PBESol functional for the GBRV set.

Try the new functionality online at