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Richard Feynman once said that nobody really understands Quantum Mechanics. Today, the same can be said about Materials Informatics. The industry can be confusing, with "apples" often compared to "oranges," leading to wasted time researching and testing the wrong solutions. Mat3ra.com (formerly known as Exabyte.io) was founded before the term "Materials Informatics" even existed, and we have experienced the industry's emergence firsthand. In fact, Mat3ra has been mentioned among the key players in the industry of Materials Informatics at least four times in 2023 alone, and yet even we are still confused about what the term means! Why? Read on to find out.
Considering FAIR data principles and the progression towards data-driven science, it is only logical to strive for "machine-actionable" and fully reproducible scientific records.
We all constantly make comparisons against our mental model; one might even claim that our day-to-day, moment-to-moment lives are dominated by our interpretation of our experiences, rather than some objective reality.
Any product should start with a customer in mind. It is necessary to focus on the needs, challenges, and pain points of the customers to really move the needle for them (and for your company) in the long run.
Or why the 2% have 98% of the world's wealth.
Digital materials R&D is an innovative up-and-coming technological area that is rapidly gaining ground because of its ability to cut development times and greatly reduce costs.
Making materials R&D more FAIR and fair at the same time.
The Right Approach to Digital Transformation
A quick recap of the past and future outlook
Oracle Cloud and Exabyte Partnership Providing Materials Modeling to Scientists Around the Globe
Our lives are full of surprises and things that no one would consider possible. Yet they still happen, because we believe in them.
Cloud computing recently developed into a viable alternative to on-premises systems for executing high-performance computing (HPC) applications.
As a natural continuation of our prior work on benchmarking cloud platforms for high-performance computing (HPC) applications in materials modeling ...
Benchmarking the latest generation of cloud hardware for materials modeling
Our recent manuscript: https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.10011 Phonon is a collective excitation in a periodic arrangement of atoms or molecules in like solid crystals and some liquids. Often designated as a quasiparticle it represents an excited state…
Full article at https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.05325
We are often asked about the security of cloud-based solutions for storing mission-critical information since cloud computing is initially perceived as a threat.
A practical recipe for performing first-principles calculations of materials. During the last couple of years we were hard at work building the product, working "...
California is a state within the US. Six thousand miles away is Tatarstan — also a state within Russia and my Motherland. In the Fall of 2010 ...
And how it compares with Azure Standard_H16r
And why it matters for the Enterprise On Sep 23, 1992 the “Divider” marked the last nuclear test to date conducted by the United States. It was the 928th nuclear test at the Nevada Test Site and one that led to unexpected consequences…
Why it is increasingly important to target hard technological problems.
The article covers motivation for starting exabyte.io, what we do and why, and the future outlook
35,000 CPU, or ~10,000 laptops - all available within 10 min, enabling the most advanced exploration methods for new materials Can we do better?