June 16, 2022

Release notes - Version 2022.6.16

For the 2022.6.16 release, we bring some quality-of-life improvements and cosmetic adjustments to the Mat3ra platform!

For the 2022.6.16 release, we bring some quality-of-life improvements and cosmetic adjustments to the Mat3ra platform! We resolved an issue preventing the selection of certain exabyteML workflows and fixed a bug causing internal server errors. In the 3D material viewer, the camera position will now stay put for all user actions that aren't explicitly changing the camera. Finally, we updated the Results tab in the job viewer to restore a consistent look and feel with the rest of the platform.


  • 🚀  Rename Analytics to Bank in URL
  • 🚀  Avoid resetting the camera in all cases except when changing between Orthographic and Perspective camera


  • 🛠 Fix UI on the Job Results page
  • 🛠 Fix Server error (5xx)
  • 🛠 Fix possible to select exabyteML

Just in case you missed it: Exabyte.io is now Mat3ra.com. The work of the Exabyte.io platform will be stopped in September. All updates are available only on the new Mat3ra platform. You can log in simply using your username and password from the Exabyte.io platform. Click HERE to learn more about the Mat3ra platform. If you have any questions about the Mat3ra platform, feel free to talk with a member of our engineering team.