A team of scientists from Intermolecular Inc. used Mat3ra to study equilibrium geometries and formation energies for a set of promising advanced alloys.
A team of scientists from Intermolecular Inc. used Mat3ra to study equilibrium geometries and formation energies for a set of promising advanced alloys. The team employed quantum mechanical modeling approaches based on density functional theory and utilized vast scaling capabilities of Mat3ra platform. During a single run scientists were able to scale to 10,656 CPUs within 7 minutes from the start, and obtain accurate results for 296 compounds within 38 hours. The results provided valuable data for Intermolecular to optimize their high throughput experimentsal analysis.
At Intermolecular Inc, our high pace of innovation is a key factor to a long-term sustained success. Mat3ra allowed us to significantly accelerate our research and development efforts by leveraging state-of-the art advancements in materials simulations and high performance computing at cloud scale.